TKP 351-2011
TKP 351-2011
Pumps for pumping liquefied gases, harmful substances, flammable and combustible liquids. Rules of safe use in group of companies of "Belneftekhim"
TKP 351-2011 (09100)
TKP 351-2011 (09100)
Pumps for liquefied gases, hazardous, flammable and combustible liquids. Rules for safe operation in organizations «Belneftekhim»
TKP 352-2011
TKP 352-2011
The technological process of assessing the technical condition of wheel tractors, their trailers and self-propelled machines for compliance with the requirements for road users
TKP 352-2011 (02150)
TKP 352-2011 (02150)
Engineering procedure for technical condition assessment of wheeled tractors, their trailers and self-propelled machines for compliance with the requirements for road users
TKP 353-2011
TKP 353-2011
State technical inspection of wheeled tractors, their trailers and self-propelled machines. Basic terms and definitions Technical specifications
TKP 353-2011 (02150)
TKP 353-2011 (02150)
State technical inspection of wheeled tractors, their trailers and self-propelled machines. General and technical requirements
TKP 354-2011
TKP 354-2011
Standards for technological design to ensure oil companies (petroleum storage depots) concern "Belneftekhim"
TKP 354-2011 (09100)
TKP 354-2011 (09100)
Norms of technological design of enterprises for provisioning with petroleum products (Warehouses storage of petroleum products)
TKP 355-2011
TKP 355-2011
System for ensuring of uniformity of measurements in the Republic of Belarus. Procedure for metrological provision of the automated monitoring systems and the account of electric energy
TKP 355-2011 (02230/03220)
TKP 355-2011 (02230/03220)
System for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure for metrological support of automated control systems and metering of electric energy
TKP 356-2011
TKP 356-2011
The system of physical protection of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities. Instruction for organization of design
TKP 356-2011 (02300)
TKP 356-2011 (02300)
Physical protection system for nuclear materials and nuclear facilities. Design Organization Instruction
TKP 357-2011
TKP 357-2011
General safety and physical protection of nuclear materials during transport
TKP 357-2011 (02300)
TKP 357-2011 (02300)
Basic safety and security rules for the transport of nuclear materials
TKP 358-2011
TKP 358-2011
The system of physical protection of nuclear materials and nuclear facilities. Requirements for the design solutions
TKP 358-2011 (02300)
TKP 358-2011 (02300)
Physical protection system for nuclear materials and nuclear facilities. Design Requirements
TKP 359-2011
TKP 359-2011
Requirements for program of quality assurance systems of physical protection of nuclear facilities
TKP 359-2011 (02300)
TKP 359-2011 (02300)
Requirements for a quality assurance program for physical protection systems at nuclear facilities
TKP 360-2011
TKP 360-2011
Regulations on general requirements for the system of physical protection of nuclear facilities
TKP 360-2011 (02300)
TKP 360-2011 (02300)
Regulation on the general requirements for the physical protection systems of nuclear facilities
TKP 361-2011
TKP 361-2011
Procedure for determining the level of physical protection of nuclear facilities
TKP 361-2011 (02300)
TKP 361-2011 (02300)
The procedure for determining the level of physical protection of nuclear facilities
TKP 362-2011
TKP 362-2011
Production of medications. The procedure for preparation and control of the primary packaging
TKP 362-2011 (02041)
TKP 362-2011 (02041)
Production of medicines. The procedure and control of the preparation of primary packaging
TKP 363-2011
TKP 363-2011
Rules for the development of works on installation of automatic fire fighting projects
TKP 363-2011 (02300)
TKP 363-2011 (02300)
Rules for the development of projects for the installation of automatic fire extinguishing installations and fire alarm systems
TKP 364-2011
TKP 364-2011
Automatic fire suppression systems. Rules for performance and acceptance of works
TKP 364-2011 (02300)
TKP 364-2011 (02300)
Automatic fire extinguishing installation. Rules of production and acceptance of work
TKP 365-2011
TKP 365-2011
Fire Alarm Systems. Rules for performance and acceptance of works
TKP 365-2011 (02300)
TKP 365-2011 (02300)
Fire alarm systems. Rules of production and acceptance of work
TKP 367-2011
TKP 367-2011
Design of the facilities of trunk gas pipelines. Fire safety requirements
TKP 367-2011 (02230)
TKP 367-2011 (02230)
Design of gas main facilities. Fire protection requirements
TKP 45-1.01-234-2011
TKP 45-1.01-234-2011
System of technical regulation and standardization of the Republic of Belarus. Special technical specifications in the field of architecture and construction. The order of development, construing, presentation, and approval
TKP 45-1.01-234-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-1.01-234-2011 (02250)
System of technical regulation and standardization of the Republic of Belarus. Special technical conditions in the field of architecture and construction. The order of development, construction, presentation, coordination and approval
TKP 45-1.02-233-2011
TKP 45-1.02-233-2011
Engineering survey for road construction facilities.
TKP 45-1.02-233-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-1.02-233-2011 (02250)
Engineering surveys for road construction projects
TKP 45-1.02-239-2011
TKP 45-1.02-239-2011
Design documentation for construction. Structure, content and procedure for the development of "The organization and labor conditions of workers" for industrial facilities
TKP 45-1.02-239-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-1.02-239-2011 (02250)
Design documentation for construction. The composition, content and procedure for the development of the section "Organization and working conditions of workers" for industrial facilities
TKP 45-1.03-236-2011
TKP 45-1.03-236-2011
Construction and assembly works. Welding works. Rules for execution
TKP 45-1.03-236-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-1.03-236-2011 (02250)
Construction and installation work. Welding work. Production rules
TKP 45-2.02-142-2011
TKP 45-2.02-142-2011
Buildings, constructions, materials and products. Rules for fire technical classification
TKP 45-2.02-142-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-2.02-142-2011 (02250)
Buildings, building structures, materials and products. Fire Safety Classification Rules
TKP 45-2.02-242-2011
TKP 45-2.02-242-2011
Limiting the spread of fire. Fire protection of localities and enterprises. Building design standards
TKP 45-2.02-242-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-2.02-242-2011 (02250)
Limiting the spread of fire. Fire protection of settlements and territories of enterprises. Building Design Standards
TKP 45-3.02-240-2011
TKP 45-3.02-240-2011
Buildings and premises of retail trade facilities. Building design standards
TKP 45-3.02-240-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-3.02-240-2011 (02250)
Buildings and premises of retail trade objects. Construction Design Standards
TKP 45-3.02-241-2011
TKP 45-3.02-241-2011
Station for maintenance of vehicles. Building design standards
TKP 45-3.02-241-2011 (02250)
TKP 45-3.02-241-2011 (02250)
Vehicle service stations. Building Design Standards

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