TKP 326-2011
TKP 326-2011
Agricultural machinery. Sets of machines and equipment for milking farms. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 326-2011 (02150)
TKP 326-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Sets of machines and equipment for commercial dairy farms. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 327-2011
TKP 327-2011
Agricultural machinery. Heat generators. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 327-2011 (02150)
TKP 327-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Heat generators. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 328-2011
TKP 328-2011
Agricultural machinery. Machinery and equipment for reclamation of crops fields. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 328-2011 (02150)
TKP 328-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Land reclamation and clearing machines. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 329-2011
TKP 329-2011
Agricultural machinery. Watering machines and installations. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 329-2011 (02150)
TKP 329-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Irrigating machines and units. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 330-2011
TKP 330-2011
Agricultural machinery. Asynchronous electric drive. Procedure for determining performance
TKP 330-2011 (02150)
TKP 330-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Asynchronous drive. Procedure for parameters determination
TKP 331-2011
TKP 331-2011
Agricultural machinery. Units for preparation and feeding of liquid fodder for young animals. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 331-2011 (02150)
TKP 331-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Installations for liquid nutrient mixtures preparation and young animals feeding. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 332-2011
TKP 332-2011
Agricultural machinery. Electric water heaters. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 332-2011 (02150)
TKP 332-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Electric water heaters. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 333-2011
TKP 333-2011
Agricultural machinery. Machines for harvesting and postharvest treatment of corn. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 333-2011 (02150)
TKP 333-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Corn harvesters and processors. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 334-2011
TKP 334-2011
Acceptance of the completed construction of civil defense structures
TKP 334-2011 (02300)
TKP 334-2011 (02300)
Commissioning of civil defense defenses completed
TKP 335-2011
TKP 335-2011
Ensuring uniformity of measurements in the concern "Belneftekhim". The main provisions
TKP 335-2011 (09100)
TKP 335-2011 (09100)
Ensuring uniformity of measurements in concern «Belneftekhim». Basic concepts
TKP 336-2011
TKP 336-2011
Lightning protection of buildings, structures and utilities
TKP 336-2011 (02230)
TKP 336-2011 (02230)
Lightning protection of buildings, structures and utilities
TKP 337-2011
TKP 337-2011
Motor highways. Rules for landscaping and gardening
TKP 337-2011 (02191)
TKP 337-2011 (02191)
Car roads. Rules for improvement and gardening
TKP 339-2011
TKP 339-2011
Electrical installations of voltage up to 750 kV. Power lines and aerial conductors, switchgear and transformer substations, installation of electric power for storage and electrical supply of residential and public buildings. Rules for installation.
Price: $18,319.08
TKP 339-2011 (02230)
TKP 339-2011 (02230)
Electrical installations for voltage up to 750 kV. Air and power lines, distribution and transformer substations, electrical and battery installations, electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Rules of the device and protective measures of electrical safety. Accounting for electricity. Acceptance Testing Standards
TKP 340-2011
TKP 340-2011
Automatic fire extinguishing installations. Fire Alarm Systems. Rules for development of design specifications.
TKP 340-2011 (02300)
TKP 340-2011 (02300)
Automatic fire extinguishing installations. Fire alarm systems. The order of the design assignment
TKP 341-2011
TKP 341-2011
The procedure and technology of the winter route accounting of game animals in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 341-2011 (02080)
TKP 341-2011 (02080)
The procedure and technology for winter route accounting of game animals in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 342-2011
TKP 342-2011
The procedure and technology of the accounting of river beavers in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 342-2011 (02080)
TKP 342-2011 (02080)
The order and technology of accounting for river beaver in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 343-2011
TKP 343-2011
The procedure and technology of the accounting of game animals in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 343-2011 (02080)
TKP 343-2011 (02080)
The order and technology of accounting of game animals on feeding grounds in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 344-2011
TKP 344-2011
The procedure and technology of the accounting and expertise of game animals in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 344-2011 (02080)
TKP 344-2011 (02080)
The procedure and technology for conducting questionnaire accounting and expert estimation of the number of game animals in the hunting grounds of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 345-2011
TKP 345-2011
Maintenance and repair of rail loading racks for drain and filling stockades for flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied petroleum gases in the organizations of concern "Belneftekhim"
TKP 345-2011 (09100)
TKP 345-2011 (09100)
Technological service and repair railway blow-off and tankage overpasses inflammable and combustible liquids and liquefied hydrocarbonic gases in the organizations of Belneftekhim concern
TKP 346-2011
TKP 346-2011
Requirements for the installation of gas detectors in industrial premises and outdoor areas of objects of oil and gas production, gas processing
TKP 346-2011 (09100)
TKP 346-2011 (09100)
Requirements to installation of gas alarms at workplaces and at outdoor sites of oil gas production and gas processing objects
TKP 347-2011
TKP 347-2011
Architecture and design development of areas, industrial and office buildings, vehicles, and organizations Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 347-2011 (02190)
TKP 347-2011 (02190)
Architectural and design decoration of territories, industrial and administrative buildings, vehicles of organizations of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus
TKP 348-2011
TKP 348-2011
Batteries for trolley buses and trams. Standards and rules of maintenance
TKP 348-2011 (02190)
TKP 348-2011 (02190)
Rechargeable batteries for trolleybuses and trams. Service Standards
TKP 349-2011
TKP 349-2011
The procedure for monitoring the safety profile of crop production
TKP 349-2011 (02150)
TKP 349-2011 (02150)
The procedure for monitoring the safety indicators of crop production
TKP 350-2011
TKP 350-2011
The procedure for conducting supervision over the implementation of forest management projects
TKP 350-2011 (02080)
TKP 350-2011 (02080)
The procedure for the supervision of the implementation of forest management projects

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