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TKP 299-2011 (02190)
Car tires. Rules and regulations of service
TKP 300-2011
Passive Optical Networks. Rules for design and assembly
TKP 300-2011 (02140)
Passive Optical Networks. Design and Installation Rules
TKP 301-2011
Rules of technical operation of passive optical networks
TKP 301-2011 (02140)
Rules for technical operation of passive optical networks
TKP 302-2011
Cadastral valuation of agricultural lands of agricultural organizations and peasants (farmers) and their farm holds. Content and technology of works
TKP 302-2011 (03150)
Cadastral valuation of agricultural land of agricultural organizations and peasant (farmer) farms. Content and technology of work
TKP 303-2011
Procedure for transportation, acceptance and processing of livestock for slaughter
TKP 303-2011 (02150)
The order of transportation, acceptance and processing of livestock for slaughter
TKP 304-2011
Monitoring and forecasting of emergencies. General provisions. Rules for functioning of the system for monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations
TKP 304-2011 (02300)
Monitoring and Forecasting of Emergencies. General provisions. The order of operation of the system of monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations
TKP 305-2011
Rules of technical operation of distribution network of television and radio broadcasting
TKP 305-2011 (02140)
Rules for the technical operation of television and radio channels
TKP 306-2011
Motor highways. Rules for coating and construction of foundations of emulsion-mineral mixtures
TKP 306-2011 (02191)
Car roads. Rules for the installation of coatings and bases of emulsion-mineral mixtures
TKP 307-2011
Motor highways. Procedure for technical accounting and certification
TKP 307-2011 (02191)
Car roads. The procedure for conducting technical accounting and certification
TKP 308-2011
Rules of acceptance of the automated monitoring systems and the accounting systems of electric power, installed in public buildings
TKP 308-2011 (02230)
Rules of acceptance for operation of automated systems for control and accounting of electric energy installed in residential and public buildings
TKP 309-2011
MOT test. The procedure for checking the technical condition of vehicles
TKP 309-2011 (02190)
State technical inspection of vehicles. Procedure and inspection of the technical condition of vehicles
TKP 311-2011 (02300)
Light disguise. General Provisions
TKP 313-2011
Motor highways. Soil road surface. Rules for construction
TKP 313-2011 (02191)
Car roads. Roadbed. Device rules
TKP 314-2011
Maintenance and repair of urban electric transport. Standards and rules of conduct
TKP 314-2011 (02190)
Maintenance and repair of urban electric transport. Rules and regulations
TKP 315-2011
Designer supervision over construction of motor highways. Rules of execution
TKP 315-2011 (02191)
Designer supervision of the construction of roads
TKP 316-2011
Maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing units system, smoke protection systems, fire alarm systems, fire alarm systems and evacuation management. Organizing and execution of works
TKP 316-2011 (02300)
The system of maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing installations, smoke protection systems, fire alarms, fire warning systems and evacuation control. Organization and order of work
TKP 317-2011
Motor highways. Rules for admission of heavy and oversized vehicles
TKP 317-2011 (02191)
Car roads. Rules for the passage of heavy and large vehicles
TKP 318-2011
Expansion joints of bridge facilities. Rules for construction
TKP 318-2011 (02191)
Expansion joints of bridge structures. Device rules
TKP 319-2011
Agricultural machinery. Machines, production lines and points for post-harvest processing of vegetable and melon crops. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 319-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Machines, production lines and plants for postharvest treatment of vegetable and melon crops. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 320-2011
Agricultural machinery. Machines and equipment for animal husbandry and fodder production. Procedure for determining the safety performance and ergonomics
TKP 320-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Machinery and equipment for livestock farming and forage production. Procedure for determination of safety and usability indicators
TKP 321-2011
Agricultural machinery. Machines for harvesting of vegetable and melon crops. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 321-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Vegetable and melon crops harvesters. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 322-2011
Agricultural machinery. Installations for cleaning and disinfection of livestock and poultry premises and equipment. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 322-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Washer-disinfectors for stock and poultry buildings and facilities. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 323-2011
Agricultural machinery. Attachments for combine machines for harvesting non-cereals crops. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 323-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Grain harvesters attachments for harvesting non-spiked cereals. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
TKP 324-2011
Agricultural machinery. Sprinklers. Procedure for determination of parameters
TKP 324-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Sprayers. Procedure for parameters determination
TKP 325-2011
Agricultural machinery. Transport vehicles. Procedure for determining the functional parameters
TKP 325-2011 (02150)
Agricultural machinery. Vehicles. Procedure for determination of operational characteristics
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