STB 2005-2009
STB 2005-2009
Soils. Methods for determining the height of the capillary rise of water
STB 2006-2009
STB 2006-2009
Electrical household air cleaners for kitchens. General specifications
STB 2008-2009
STB 2008-2009
Oil products. The method of determining the colour through the automated chromaticity coordinates measurement
STB 2009-2009
STB 2009-2009
Aviation fuel. Determining the crystallization temperature by the automatic laser method
STB 2010-2009
STB 2010-2009
Aviation fuel. Mechanical impurities determination method
STB 2011-2009
STB 2011-2009
Liquid fuels. Determination of the heat of combustion in a bomb calorimeter
STB 2012-2009
STB 2012-2009
Petroleum products and hydrocarbon solvents. Methods for determination of an aniline point and a mixed aniline point
STB 2013-2009
STB 2013-2009
Commercial pipelines. Technical operation. Requirements for repairs
STB 2014-2009
STB 2014-2009
Cocoa beans. Determination of moisture content (standard method)
STB 2015-2009
STB 2015-2009
Grain haylage. General specifications
STB 2016-2009
STB 2016-2009
Oil and fat food products. Margarines and spreads. General specifications
STB 2017-2009
STB 2017-2009
Construction. Installation of internal sewage systems of buildings and structures. Quality control of work
STB 2018-2009
STB 2018-2009
Construction. Special steel structures. The nomenclature of monitored indicators. Quality control of work
STB 2020-2009
STB 2020-2009
Construction. Installation of internal engineering systems of buildings and structures. The nomenclature of monitored quality of work
STB 2021-2009
STB 2021-2009
Construction. Installation of ventilation systems and air conditioning of buildings and structures. Quality control of work
STB 2022-2009
STB 2022-2009
Lorries and trailers. Anti-splash systems. Technical requirements and test methods
STB 2023-2009
STB 2023-2009
Motor oils. Method for determining yield point and apparent viscosity at low temperature
STB 2024-2009
STB 2024-2009
Winemaking products. Method for determination of the mass concentration of citric acid
STB 2025-2009
STB 2025-2009
Buses for children transportation. General specifications
STB 34.101.11-2009
STB 34.101.11-2009
Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Protection profile of the server operating system for the use in the trusted corporate network zone
Price: $2,920.68
STB 34.101.13-2009
STB 34.101.13-2009
Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Protection profile of the server operating system for the use in the demilitarized corporate network zone
STB 34.101.14-2009
STB 34.101.14-2009
Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Router software protection profile for use in the demilitarized corporate network zone
Price: $2,754.08
STB 34.101.16-2009
STB 34.101.16-2009
Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Profile of the switch software protection for the use in the trusted corporate network zone
Price: $2,910.60
STB 34.101.17-2009
STB 34.101.17-2009
Information Technology. Certificate Request Syntax
STB 34.101.18-2009
STB 34.101.18-2009
Information technologies. Syntax for the personal information exchange
STB 34.101.19-2009
STB 34.101.19-2009
Information Technology. Certificate Formats and Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Revocation Lists
STB 34.101.20-2009
STB 34.101.20-2009
Information technologies. Syntax of cryptographic information for tokens
STB 34.101.21-2009
STB 34.101.21-2009
Information technologies. Information exchange interface with the hardware and software carrier of cryptographic information (token)
Price: $12,945.52
STB 34.101.22-2009
STB 34.101.22-2009
Information technologies. RSA based-cryptography
STB 4.226-2009
STB 4.226-2009
The system of product quality indicators. Building. Windows, doors and gates. Nomenclature of indicators
STB 5.1.14-2009
STB 5.1.14-2009
National Conformity System of the Republic of Belarus. Personnel certification in the field of verification of measuring instruments. General requirements
Price: $724.50
STB 52.0.02-2009
STB 52.0.02-2009
Assessment of the value of civil rights. Terms and Definitions
STB 7.4-2009
STB 7.4-2009
System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Editions. Imprint. General requirements and design rules
Price: $1,233.54
STB 742-2009
STB 742-2009
Fat products. General technical conditions
STB 8033-2009
STB 8033-2009
Uniformity Measurement System of the Republic of Belarus. Static AC meters. Methods of verification
STB 916-2009
STB 916-2009
Mittens and gloves for household needs. General specifications
Price: $286.02
STB 937-2009
STB 937-2009
Food products made from potatoes. Terms and definitions
Price: $383.32
STB 984-2009
STB 984-2009
Transport vehicles. Marking. Specifications
STB CEN/TS 13381-1-2009
STB CEN/TS 13381-1-2009
Method of fire resistance testing of bearing structures. Part 1. Horizontal protective shields
STB CEN/TS 13381-1-2009
STB CEN/TS 13381-1-2009
Test method for fire resistance of load-bearing building structures. Part 1. Horizontal protective screens
STB EN 10025-1-2009
STB EN 10025-1-2009
Hot-rolled products of structural steel. Part 1. General delivery specifications
STB EN 10025-2-2009
STB EN 10025-2-2009
Hot-rolled products of structural steel. Part 2. Specifications for non-alloy structural steel delivery
STB EN 10025-3-2009
STB EN 10025-3-2009
Hot-rolled products of structural steel. Part 3. Specifications for delivery of weldable fine grain structural steels subjected to normalizing or normalizing rolling
STB EN 10025-4-2009
STB EN 10025-4-2009
Hot-rolled products of structural steel. Part 4. Specifications for delivery of thermomechanical rolled weldable fine-grained structural steel
STB EN 10025-5-2009
STB EN 10025-5-2009
Hot-rolled products of structural steel. Part 5. Specifications for delivery of structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
STB EN 10025-6-2009
STB EN 10025-6-2009
Hot-rolled products of structural steel. Part 6. Specifications for delivery of flat products made of structural steel with high yield strength in the quenched and tempered condition
STB EN 10027-1-2009
STB EN 10027-1-2009
Nomenclature for steel. Part 1. Name of steels
STB EN 10027-2-2009
STB EN 10027-2-2009
Nomenclature for steel. Part 2. Digital system

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